Round 1

The outcome of which coin would you like to reveal?

Review Instructions

The experiment proceeds in rounds. In each round, two coins will be flipped - a fair one (with equal probabilities of landing heads or tails), and a biased one (with a 95 out of 100 chance of landing heads). You will not be informed of their outcomes automatically.

Each round has two questions. First, you will be given the option to find out the outcome of one of the two coins. Once you choose the coin, the outcome will be revealed to you on the next page. After that, you will be asked to guess the outcome of both coins.

Each coin is "worth" $1. If you guess correctly in the second question, you will receive $2 ($1 for each coin guessed correctly). If not, you will receive $0. You will not see how much you have earned immediately; your earnings will be revealed only at the end of the 10 rounds.

This process will continue for 10 rounds. The experiment will end after you complete all 10 rounds.

Debug info
coins [('biased', 'Biased'), ('fair', 'Fair')]
is_practice_round False
real_round_number 1
Basic info
ID in group 1
Group 339
Round number 8
Participant P1
Participant label
Session code i8qs5fom